The Lion is the perfect symbol of the Sun. King of the savannah with his sunray-like mane, the lion has been associated with the sun and royalty for hundreds of years. Interestingly, the Swahili word 'Simba' means both Lion and King. We now understand why the Lion King is called Simba in the famous Disney movie.

The Lion invites self-control, it allows to better manage his angry temperament and his aggressiveness. He is a born leader, he helps us to be the leader of a group and thus take the lead in projects.

The Lion lives in herds and works as a team. It is the females who hunt and the males distract the prey from the females or send them directly into their trap. The males, on the other hand, ensure the protection of the troop. In English, a troop of lions is called “Pride” which reinforces his symbolism.

Courage is a word that the lion knows well, he acts even if the situation is stressful and he seems fearless.

If Lion comes to you in meditation, it can mean:
- Keep your head up. Keep your dignity and remain honest;
- You are stronger than you think;
- Listen before acting impulsively;
- Listen to your heart rather than your intellect;
- Tap into your inner strength and courage in difficult situations; - You will be led to occupy a leading position.
Traits: Loyal, Courageous, Controlling, Self-centered, Proud, Leader, Lazy, Bossy, Dignified, Dominant, Honorable, Sociable, Royal, Angry Temperament.
Magical properties: Courage, Leadership, Loyalty, Protection, Inner strength, Justice, Self-confidence, Power, Wisdom, Family
Genre : Masculine
Elements : Fire
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Numérology : 1
Planet : Sun
Tarot : The Sun, The Strenght
Astrology : Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Deities : Amun, Anat, Ariel, Artemis, Astarte, Bouddha, Brigantia, Cybel, Devi, Dionysos, Durga, Hathor, Helios, Hera, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Khnum, Krishna, Lugh, Michael, Mithras, Neral, Parvati, Raphael, Rhea, Sekhmet, Vishnu

In Alchemy, the lion represents either Sulfur - the soul of matter -, philosophical Gold or the Sun.
In several traditions, the lion is considered a guardian, protector of the place. There are lion statues that one could put at the entrance of the house and consecrate them with the energy of the lion to protect the home and the family.
Let the lion roar in your life! ROAR!

Some products may be useful to connect with the energy of the Lion: